Dental Implants

Implant Dentistry in Denver and Aurora, Colorado

Dental implants allow you a beautiful smile along with the comfort and function of natural teeth.

You will brush and floss around the dental implant and it will look just like your other teeth.

The Aurora implant dentists at Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center can help you determine if dental implants may be the right way to replace your missing tooth or teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants can be an effective way to replace missing teeth. Dental implants have several advantages for your smile, and your oral health and function. The benefits of dental implants involve:

  • Comfort
  • Durability
  • Natural appearance

Dental implants are secured to the bone beneath your teeth, letting you chew and speak comfortably and effectively. A dental implant is designed to feel natural in your smile, and it should look and feel like a real tooth.

Dental Implant Options

At our dental practice, our dentists have decades of experience in the multiple approaches to dental implant treatment, as well as in other methods of tooth replacement. Some of the dental implant approaches our patients choose include:

All-on-Four dental implants: replaces a full upper or lower arch of missing teeth.  This procedure uses four dental implants strategically placed to support the replacement teeth. And, in some cases, the All-on-Four dental implant procedure enables our dentists to place both the dental implants and the prosthetic teeth in the same dental appointment.

Mini dental implants: provide a viable option for patients that may not have enough bone to allow for full-sized implants to be placed

Traditional dental implants: Our implants dentists have a combined experience of well over 50 years. Dr. Lisa Augustine, Dr. Daniel Zeppelin, and Dr. Ron Yaros provide personalized dental implant treatment plans to patients with missing teeth.

Our entire dental team is interested in helping you recapture an appealing, comfortable smile by replacing your missing teeth. Learn more by reading Questions about Dental Implants.

To learn more about dental implants in Aurora, Colorado, please contact Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center to schedule a consultation. We also serve the greater Denver area.